Message impact matters.


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  • Too many Democratic political candidates try to say far too many things.
  • Most voters are not paying that much attention— especially to down-ballot races — and that results in messaging not getting through.
  • At Honan Strategy Group, we help candidates focus on the central part of their campaign that matters most – getting their message right.


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Using cutting edge public opinion research tools, we work to create, test and identify a compelling core message and do it in a way that is authentic to the candidate and clearly differentiating from his or her opponent.

Our message-testing approach and capabilities help candidates test a wide variety of messages and identify which is most effective in building their case for getting elected or reelected.

Based on our sophisticated understanding of how to communicate and harmonize a candidate’s message, we advise candidates on how best to integrate their messaging throughout their voter contact efforts – whether it is direct mail, television advertising, phone banking, social media or texting.